

Soon we'll publish our new site. Location will be new but still available through traditional address. We'll have a new design too. Concering gig dates, we have to mention that only dates and gigs wroten on THIS SITE are valid! Informations concerning B.O.L. activities noticed on some other sites like MySpace should be verified HERE. Our new album will definitely be released during April 2008.


'Till the end of this month, our 3rd album U FACU(IN YOUR FACE) will appear at last, for the well known & most famous Serbian label Bad Man Records. The epithet most famous stands only if mr. Dobrica agrees with some parts of our contract concerning financial terms (among us, it's all about 10.000 €), if not - then screw him:) Album will consist of 9 songs:
1. U facu (In your face)     
2. Jedan je Živan Jimmy (There is only one Jimmy)     
3. Odvratna riba (Ugly Bird)     
4. Idem na Kop (I'm going to a mountain)     
5. Pandurska stoka (Cop bustards)     
6. Mnogo sam bolestan (Hard disease)     
7. Skrndelj (Trash bird)     
8. Željko pederko (Željko the faggot)     
9. Seljačina (Geek)

07.07.2007 - 12.10.2007

Meanwhile, we played several gigs with some crew members switched, so we would like to thank to Vajagić from band Birtija who played bass on our gig in Bečej, Miloš from band Nis who played bass on our gig in Apatin and finally to the king of Apatin - Dragan Ličina from band NANB who played bass on a several songs on our gig in Bečej and also organized great gig in Apatin. Concerning just mentioned gig in Apatin, Dragan uploaded video clip of one song to YouTube, so check it out HERE. We'll update photo gallery soon and we expect new T-Shirts to appear soon, which will be available to order only through our site.

01.07.2007 - 06.07.2007

OK, we got ourselves a little bit lazy with updating this site, but what else to say 'bout that than nothing. Anyway, there are some past infos and some news. On Sunday 01.07.2007. we'll play in the club "Kuglaš" (for fans of bowling), I assume that beside us will appear band "SUS" also. Few days after, on 06.07.2007. there is a gig schedulled in Apatin again, the place where we traditionally spend a great time, I believe that N.A.N.B. - B(D)eerLand will play as a support, and also band Agitator - Sombor, who knows maybe there'll be more bands. This is it so far, hopefully some of us will have strength to update further infos 'bout that event here.

XX.03.2007 - 01.07.2007

By the way, past time was not inactive time for us, we have played on a anniversary of a legendary Belgrade's band - Šaht (fuck me if I can remember the date of the gig) in the small club of "Dom Omladine", great gig, (over)loaded club, also played band Antifriz, us, Osmi putnik 2 and also our hosts - Šaht. Later we played another gig in "Kuglaš" but I just can't remember the date no matter how hard I try to. But I remember that our support were Birtija, Promašena Investicija and some birds band, can't remember their name, but hopefully some of us will gather strength and separate from the bottle to update those infos into here.


16. 12. 2006.

There gig scheduled for friday 22.12.2006. in the club Dom Omladine in Belgrade is now confirmed. Support bands will be Birtija (Tavern) and High Stakes. Finally, the crew from Kovacica all together on a gig:) We expect great gig, and many crowd. We're looking forward to gig and pleasure to play together with Birtija. See you on friday.

04. 12. 2006.

The gig in Kovacica happened on 02.12.2006. but without our participation. The bands that apeared were Birtija (Tavern) and High Stakes, both from Belgrade. What else to say except that trip to Kovacica through fog was great fun, 'cause gig was brilliant, not so many local crowd but great atmosphere. We congratulate to Zivan for organisation, and our big apologize to him for betraying him twice... Forgive us, Zivan...

26. 11. 2006.

The gig in Apatin (look at the map) scheduled for 16.12.2006. is now confirmed. The motive is the 10th anniversary of band NANB. Beside us and NANB, the band Agitatori from Sombor will also appear. We congratulate to guests of honor.

13. 11. 2006.

Blue Moon - click to enlarge

Great gig happend on thursday 26.10.2006. in the club Blue Moon in Belgrade. The first band was Nesto Najgore (The Worst Thing), nice play, excluding their half-hour preparation for the gig while clock was showing 11PM, but things got better when they started. Real experience started when Cokule (The Boots) started to play and explain their way of street life to audience that filled up the club. At last (but not the least) we appeard about 1AM (like some actor on a techno party), but had a great fun. We believe that crowd understood our songs well, not counting the moment when we had problems with bass. The problem was solved thanks to Cokule and their bass guitar, while music pause was fulfilled with a performance of Zivan the Great and his well known recitation of a song named Pticica (The Bird). As promised before, we put a short comment for The Bird and it's audio clip in mp3 format on our section "Special", check it out... click here to visit the section SPECIAL

Blue Moon - click to enlarge

We have to emphasize that Cokule left a great impression on as, they're maybe the best (and definitely the most sincere) punk band in Serbia (although band Birtija strikes on a right wing). We're looking forward for more gigs like this one, hopefully to play with just mentioned Birtija.

Blue Moon - click to enlarge

23. 10. 2006.

There is a gig scheduled for a thursday 26.10.2006. in club Blue Moon in Belgrade. Support bands will be - according to current informations - Nesto najgore (The Worst Thing), and also Cokule (The Boots). Everyone in band are looking forward to this event 'cause we expect similar experience to previous one in Tomasevac, this time the crew is reinforced with come back of Cokule, which tags the whole event as a great one. You'll probably find more informations on Ispred dragstora.

22. 10. 2006.

The Duke Zivan recitating his own song "The Bird"

Extraordinary event happened in a village Tomasevac (not so far from Belgrade) on 12.08.2006. Four bands played, in the order of apperiance: Promasena Investicija (Missed Investment) , Nesto Najgore (The Worst Thing), 888 and ourselves. Off course, the bands themselves are not enough to create show, we need men like Zivan-Dzimi for such. The slogan of the whole event describes better: There is only one Zivan Đzimi:)

There was a great fun for us, excluding the fact that we started to play at 2AM, so there was not so many men that was awake so late (or early), including ourselves 'cause we got drunk even before midnight.

After that, on a way back to home - torure! Our firends, web site crew Ispred Dragostora (In front of the store) found themselves on a new task: what to do in the middle of nowhere on some country road when throat is dry and no store near? Well, they decided to supply their stomach with corn clips from a nerby corn field instead of non-existing alcohol from non-existing store...

Confused by that repulsive act, the others (including us) decided to make a fire to speed up feeding process:)

Off course, there was a reason to be on that road at 4AM - we stopped to help the Promasena Investicija crew that had a flat tire on their van to fix it, but with a malfunctioned lift jack.

No comment

However, the children of the corn succesfully done their mission at last (there were about 20 men on a country road in the middle of the night) and tire was fixed.

We don't know for the rest, but three of us lunatics got home to Belgrade about 8AM and decided to rest from a tripd in a local park with cups of tea in our hands and some beer, 'cause or second house - The tawern 6 - was about to open soon but we couldn't wait for.

Many greetings and best wishes for Duke Zivan, the man that organized the whole event, also to everyone that contributed to great fun we experienced there (the bands, insane local crowd)...

14. 07. 2006.

GM Youth - click to enlargeIn the Babylone - click to enlarge

Gornji Milanovac has been good host again on 06.07.2006. An extraordinary gig supported by known crew: Promasena Investicija (Missed Investment), kao i Šrafcigeri (Screwdrivers). This time the place was Babylone club.

Again we say big thanks to all GM punks for great time there and for general support that they give us, they mean a lot to us!

Of Course, we specially thank to Ivan, Promasena Investicija (Missed Investment) and Šrafcigeri (Screwdrivers) for enthusiasm they involved to organise everything! What else to add except that we hope to meet them soon...

13. 07. 2006.

Currently we're working on our third album, so we expect it to be done till September 2006. Album working title is U facu! (In your face!).

Material is almost complete, and few songs are already recorded. We're definitely back on the track concerning spitting the scumbags directly 'cause metaphore is not efficient for pikeys...

When comparing with first album where we spoke of politics mostly, this time we focused on fancy TV enternainers and Eurosong artists, punk poseurs, and last but not the least we thought of police scum... You'll hear...

22. 01. 2006.

Gig ticket - click to enlargeGig poster - click to enlarge

Gornji Milanovac is inexhaustible source of guitar sound! There was a great gig in GM! Local support were excellent, Promasena Investicija (Missed Investment) and upcoming Šrafcigeri (Screwdrivers). We want to thank to Ivan for organisation.

Extraordinary atmosphere on a gig, the crowd were more than good, we thank to all that appeared on gig!

That was a pity that we didn't hear more of Šrafcigeri, but what we've heard of Promasena Investicija was far enough to realize that they are the band that more people will know about soon. Ambitious lads that plays melodic street punk with periodical changes of dynamics, so the whole stuff sounds great. I used the word ambitious 'cause they were practiced well (almost without mistakes) and completely comfortable and relaxed during their gig. But we won't criticize here more, we'll leave that to zines. We'll certainly make sure that as many zines as possible get material from this band that has many things to express.

We expect some photos from gig soon, so we'll put them in a photo section.

16. 01. 2006.

Confirmed gig in Gornji Milanovac on Wednesday, 18.01.2006.! We want to thank to Ivan for organisation. We're not sure for the name of the place where gig will happen. We expect event to begin about 8PM. We'll have a local support in band Promasena investicija (Missed Investment).

22. 11. 2005.

Gig in Ruma is behind us. Once again thank to Trovac! Beside bands that were already been announced, we saw local band Škart in addition. There has been a large audience, lot of crowd, everyone were in a mood for a good gig. One thing that spoiled the whole impression was omission of the organiser that caused band NANB not to play even though they were announced. Considering the fact that we invited them to play, we partially feel guilty and we apologize for that mistake!

We have just heard bad news from Apatin. They informed us that club Zona Sumraka (Twilight Zone), where we played month ago and were supposed to play again soon, has been shut. It's always pity when good places are shut and when men that organize fine gigs are kept from working. All clubs in this country, one by one, are developing into a clubs for pikeys. Fuck them...

15. 11. 2005.

Confirmed gig in Ruma on Saturday 19.11.2005. in a local club Bokser. Event will start about 10PM. Support bands will be: Delikventi, Duo De La Muerte and NANB We're looking forward to meet local punks. We want to thank to Trovac from Šabac for organisation.

04. 11. 2005.

NANB - click to enlarge

After a long time finally a gig, remarkable one! In the city of beer (Apatin) in the club Zona Sumraka (Twilight Zone) we have experienced extra fun and had a very great time. Definitely one of the best gigs we've ever played. We've had a local support in a punk band NANB from Apatin. We'll use this occasion to very very thank to Dragan Licina (NANB) as he was the one that organized our trip to Apatin and the most of things. We also want to thank to Kvaka, the owner of the club Zona Sumraka (Twilight Zone). Greetings to all the crowd on the gig, and to our mate Lesa SMF who traveled with us to Apatin to work on a sound, and he even played one song with us even though we haven't play together for more than a year.

One interesting thing that we noticed si that most of the crowd were headbangers. Such attention is not exactly one that we expected considering the music we're playing and we'll use this oportunity to thank them too.

Hopefuly, we'll met again all these great people in the twilight zone presenting our new album that we expect to be done till the end of this year.

B.O.L. - click to enlarge

21. 09. 2005.

Gig at last! After more than a 3 years B.O.L. will play gigs often then the before. That pause wasn't our intention, we just did not have good oportunity for a good gig. Situation in Belgrade (concerning street punk) is awful 'cause every better club for a punk gig is controlled by some fagot.

On a contrary, last few months we've received some proposals to play in the rest of Serbia, and that may happen in Gornji Milanovac, Zajechar and definitely Apatin.

Gornji Milanovac and Zajechar are still the subject of a discussion, while Apatin is already agreed and the gig will happen on the 22.10.2005. in the club "Pivnica". We'll have a local support in a band NANB and we want to thank Dragan from Apatin for organisation.

Also, we're working on our third album with a working (and I believe definite) name - "U facu" ("Straight to the face").

25. 12. 2004.

New album that has been spoken of (for almost whole year) will be released at the beginning of 2005. We decided to release it by ourselves. For any further informations considering ordering or any other kind of informarmation click here or on a photo below.

It won't hurt... bollocks won't!

03. 08. 2004.

It is obvious that this page has not been updated for a long time, actually there weren't any news to announce 'cause nothing happened during the first half of year '04. New album has been recorded on the begining of this year (2004) but still not released 'cause of several problems. We do not own the complete master record of it.

We have an agreement with a labeler but maybe we'll have to go again to studio for a 5 songs that are missing for completing the album, we all hope that'll be over soon.

We plan to arrange some gigs in September and so on, there will be more detailed informations here then. 'Till then, we won't work anything.

16. 01. 2004.

We expect our new material to be finished in a few days, eventually one week. The title is "Nece da boli... kurac nece!" ("It won't hurt... bollocks won't"). There are 11 songs on album, one is the cover of a Red Alert's "Money Whore". Track list: 1. Drugarcine (Mates), 2. Beogradski Romeo (Belgrade's Romeo), 3. Picko mala (You little cunt), 4. Julija, 5. Kad ce kraj? (Is the end near?), 6. Odvratna riba (Ugly bird), 7. Zbog droge (For drugs), 8. Djavolov sin (Devil's son), 9. Vreme je (The time is now), 10. U dupe (In the ass), 11. Money Whore.

Thanks a lot for a great help to Coyote (Eyesburn). He jumped into a bend in a right moment, while recording new album.

This lad you're looking at below is Dacha Guberevac and we dedicated to him one song named "Beogradski Romeo" (Belgrade's Romeo) which you can download in .mp3 format here or by clicking the photo below. That song is included in our new album that should appear soon.

Belgrade's Romeo - Dacha Guberevac

29. 10. 2003.

Our new (old) CD has just been released on 29.10.2003. and it can be bought in Felix Music Shop! It's "old" because it contains all 12 songs from our formerly released tape, and it's "new" because it includes 7 bonus (live) songs also! Take a look at it's cover below this text. Follow the link to find out how to get it!

Punk, Sex & Alcohol - CD

28. 10. 2003.

We apologise for any inconveniences while watching our web site and error reports similar to "... invalid directive...", that was not our but our hostmaster's error (Tripod).

18. 05. 2003.

Well - it just happened. Although it's hard to believe, it is truth... The best among us has just left us and got married - Dane Bajic (Dacha Guberevac). First in u municipal building then in church in front of many family, friends and of course witness (Dacha's witness was his mate "Slime" from a neighborhood) Dane & Goca went through way of life's chalenge. Many didn't notice but informed men spread some rumors that Goca is pregnant.

Public celebration continued till dawn in Leshtane (near Belgrade) and Guberevac took place in entertaining the people when he took the guitar and started to play his well known song "Washing Machine". The party experienced it's delirium when Senfa climb up to a stage and together with Dacha Guberevac & astonished musicians started to sing an old B.O.L.'s song "Complaint Of A Red George" followed by a Dacha's guitar solos.

Ok, the party is over, their marriage life has begun and in the name of all B.O.L.'s members (present and former) we wish them all the best in their lives... rest in peace Masmed...

18. 02. 2003.

Senfa wants to apologise to all people that were present during B.O.L.'s gig 'cause of some bad words that he spoken then. Those words were for someone else, they know who they are. We thank to everyone that supported us on that gig, specially the Novi Sad crew, we'll see each other soon.

Also, we heard some rumors that while we were playing, 20-30 cops armed with AK's appeared on the entrance of Dom Omladine, if anyone knows anything 'bout that (if that happened at all) we would be grateful if he/she could write us an explanation of what happened there to, thanks in advance!

08. 02. 2003.

B.O.L. will play on Saturday 15th February 2003. in Dom Omladine as a support band for english band One Way System. Support bands will also be Minimum & Vox Populi.

15. 11. 2002.

We apologise to everyone that came to gig in Dom Omladine on 14.11.2002. 'cause of announcement that we would appear there also. As it is well known, we didn't appear. That's not organiser's fault but our's. We could't play on that gig 'cause of several problems within bend, but we're sure we'll see each other very very soon.


From 7th till 10th october 2002. B.O.L. recorded two new songs in studio "Fabrika". Song "Zbog Droge" (For Drugs) has been recorded for a clip that should appear soon. Another song has been recorded also, "One Flag", a cover of original Red Alert's song. Standard crew has been reinforced with Alek (Eyesburn), he recorded bass for both songs, and we're very grateful 'bout that. We also want to thank to Felix Music Shop for financing this project (studio & alcohol).


We apologise to everyone 'cause of script error while opening B.O.L. site during last few days, it's been fixed...


- B.O.L. should play few gigs in Slovenia in September...
- There are also plans to record "A tribute to Red Alert" album, which would contain 12 songs.
- The gig in KST scheduled for 20. July has been canceled, and moved for August (probably)...


Bend is searching for studio to record its 2nd album. Album will be named "That won't hurt... for sure!" and the song titles are following:

01. Zbog Droge (Drug is the reason)
02. Kurve (Bitches)
03. Drugarcine (Mates)
04. Odvratna Riba (Ugly Bird)
05. Niko i Nista (Nobody & Nothing)
06. Kad ce kraj? (Is the end near?)
07. Beogradski Romeo (Belgrade Romeo)
08. Survivors
09. Into Paradise Again
10. One Flag (Red Alert - cover)
11. Man on the edge (Iron Maiden - cover)


After a rotten gig in the club Holiday in front of 40 men, it's possible that we'll play on the 20. July in the KST


On the 13. June B.O.L. will play in the club "Holiday" with Belgrade's band Poslednja Sansa (Last Chance).


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